Brand Strategies


Wherever the market is changing, the brand and the brand name must also support these changes in the long run. Therefore it is good to prepare and consider all scenarios in advance.






After analysis of a situation and goal-setting process, it is an important process under management to select appropriate strategies required to achieve the set goals and evaluate brand. These decisions provide the framework of the targeted use of all marketing tools and a of brand name or company name. The analysis is by Meffert’s terms of horizontal, vertical and international competition dimensions: The horizontal dimensions of competition include establishing the range of competence of the brand. Deciding on the number of products which are under the brand. At this point, the single brand strategy, Family brand strategy and brand strategy are to be discussed as fundamental strategic options, each of the dimensions is fundamental to the development of brand name or business name. Analysis of the vertical dimension of competition will decide on the competence level of the mark: The question is whether the products or services will be positioned as a manufacturer, trade or generic brand. Concerning international competition as the third dimension, high competence skills of expertise are required to decide the leadership of the brand from a geopolitical point of view. With competence depth of a brand the establishment of product, service or the entire company will be decided in the context of internationalization of a company – from the national to the global brand, decisions that are relevant for the legal and linguistic aspects of the brand name or company name.



As part of this strategy which is also known as mono-brand brand strategy for individual products, independent brands with independent brand identity and distinct brand names, or company names are created. A strategy that is used for example in mature markets when products of one supplier are to specifically address each individual target groups – provided the market segments are large enough.

The main advantage of the single brand strategy is the unique positioning and orientation specific to the target group, the brand name or company name can be made highly specific. In addition, repositioning is easier to implement, without having to consider other product categories.

The disadvantage is the trend towards shorter product life cycles: Since individual brands have financial autonomy, there is a risk that they will not pay off in a short life phase.



The counterpart to the single brand strategy is the family brand strategy: All products are marketed under a company name or family brand. This happens mostly when the number of products is too large, or when products are at the same positions or an individual product has strong fashion fluctuations. The company’s competence and trust¬worthiness should be at the forefront of the company profile. Since the turnover is supported by many marks, single marks, unlike umbrella marks, are more resistant to fluctuations in the product life cycle. In addition, In addition, newly introduced products from the established brand name profits the umbrella name because the consumer knows the brand already.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of formulating a valid brand identity for all products. It is hardly possible to find a unique brand which corresponds completely to all current and future products. The targeting of specific groups will be more difficult. For brand names or company names very short names must be found, because of the combination of the umbrella brand and the underlying product brand. Additionally, these names must be expandable and well matched to each other.



The family brand takes over the position in between single and umbrella brand. In a classical approach this brand includes product line under a family brand name or family company name if all parts fit the brand image and communicate a common value proposition. In a more modern, wider approach a family brand may also include products or companies that extend beyond narrow product line.

The main advantage of a strategic family brand is to bring together the unique competitive positioning of the single brand with the cost advantage of the brand. Moreover, the image of the brand family is strengthened by each additional family product provided it complies with the brand identity.

The Disadvantage is that innovation opportunities are limited because there must always be a consideration of the existing brand identity and existing brand names and business names when naming new products. In addition, family brands can only be used for those product groups where the target group accepts unified value proposition.


The aim of the brand positioning is “actively shape the position of a brand in the relevant market.” In order to anchor communication unique identity features in the visual image of the consumers, harmonious coordination of reactive and active positioning is very important: reactive positioning focuses on the expected characteristics of the target group, while the active positioning focuses on new performance characteristics which were not expected by the target group.

For the economist Kroeber-Riel and Esch, the main factor for a successful brand positioning is the individual perception from consumers. The positioning must be based on a few succinct characteristics of the brand identity and in harmony with the brand name or company name, to ensure the required unique selling of the product or service. For a successful positioning, objective-functional and emotional components can be highlighted at the same time.

The basis of positioning of a brand is consistent brand philosophy, the company’s vision and mission as well as the expertise of the brand in the form of internal brand identity and the external brand image communicated to all stakeholders in a compact and central form of brand name and company name.



In the context of strategic decisions, operational brand management goal-oriented marketing tools tailored to brand identity are coordinated and creatively implemented. Essential in this connection, are the mark development services (design of product or service), designing process of the mark (brand name or company name, logo, slogan), integration, as well as mark controlling.


The operative brand management includes market and customer-oriented design of the range based on the brand identity of a company. In product policy it is to be noted that the brand name products must provide long-term proof of genuine problem solving on the market. Only in this way they can be distinguished in a long term from competing offers.


In the course of the creation of the brand, the branding triangle is created which consists of the core elements brand name or company name, logo as well as the product and packaging or performance design. Concerning the design and creation process conciseness and differentiation and strategic deferral from competing products, the so-called discrimination, must be noticed. The statements on this website mainly deal with the development of brand names or company names.



The process of brand integration extends over price section, distribution and communication policy. As part of the bid, price policy and delivery are determined taking into account the so-called price readiness of the target group. The distribution policy involves decisions about distribution channels and logistics of the company. The aim of brand communication is the presentation of the important, characteristic features of brand identity and the functional and emotional benefits, and symbolic dimensions. Due to the growing interchangeability of products or services, long term structure of “brand-specific worlds of experience” special significance is accorded. Therefore the brand name or company makes a significant contribution if it imparts the desired associations. If this is successful from the start, substantial cost of communication can be saved.




The aim of brand penetration is sustainability with respect to identity and ensures a consistent image of the brand presence in the competition. It is important to develop an increasingly strong brand personality. In light of ongoing internal and external changes, self and external image of brand identity must be checked and permanently adapted for deviations. Thus, the consequent development of a strong brand is associated with a lot of time and great expense. This creates the need to systematically control and monitor all investments in the development and management of the brand, with reference to the fixed assets of a company. Thus, the use of a consistent controlling for the long-term success of a brand is an underlying need. The controlling activities are aimed at collecting parameters for brand management such as determining factors of brand image on one hand and to control of goals strategies on the other hand, activities and results of branding. Generally, brand control is considered to be linked to all phases of the management process. The brand name or business name in this process is the most important feature and almost irrevocable decision, which must endorse all the other changes in the long term. Therefore, all scenarios must be weighed and evaluated in advance.